Month: March 2014


He asks me this in the quiet of the night. Holy hours when kids and dogs sleep, and we read side by side, silently, sometimes breaking the silence to share a line from our books, sometimes to share something on our hearts. The latter is more me than him. I married a quiet man. He married a chatty wife. We make it work.

So in this sacred stillness I blurt out the plans I’ve made for Lent and he asks in his tenderest voice: “Babe, how will we fit it all in?”

I plan to write out a list of our daily schedule on the chalkboard in our dining room. We will not meet these everyday. I get that. And I’m okay with it. Life just isn’t black and white; I’m learning to embrace the grey. But like any other “goals,” we will strive for them, and as long as our hearts are pointed in the direction of seeking more of Him and less of us — as long as we as a family are committed to moving toward the cross humbly and in expectation — we will have met this goal.

More of HIM in our everyday dealings with each other, others, and ourselves. Lord, let it be so.

Grace and Peace.



With Lent approaching, we’re preparing our hearts for this season. Here are a few ways we will celebrate in our home. 

Divine Hours Prayers for Springtime: daily prayers and scripture readings. We will each read this alone; some days we’ll discuss it, some we’ll just soak it in quietly. If this is all you do, it’s enough. 

Lent by The Brilliance: a lovely collection of songs for Lent. 

Messianic Seder meal with friends: Oh my stars. This is a family favorite and can be as chill or as fancy as you like. Ours differs from year to year. Here’s a Pinterest board I created with some ideas for a Messianic Seder. 

Lighting our Lent wreath each night and writing out our daily thanks in a family journal. We will do this over lunch or dinner together and share what we’re thankful for. 

40 bags in 40 days 

40 Ideas for Keeping a Holy Lent 

Lent is one of my very favorite seasons and I’m excited to begin tomorrow. What are you doing to celebrate a Holy Lent? 



Dear Adam,

It’s what brought us together all those years ago. The band. Everything for the music. And to this day it continues to be the thread that binds us beyond anything I could put words to.

This spiritual connection.

I see you come alive, guitar in your hands, me by your side. Does the air between us lighten, make it easier to breathe amidst the chaos and beauty of this everyday race? All these kids. The street noise. Endless bills. I see it weigh on you, that grey in your beard. As much as I want to take it away, I can’t.

So I’ll stand by your side microphone of life in my hands and sing, songs of joy, grace and these laments.

Our life’s music.



Linking up with Amber and Seth in the Marriage Letters project. 20140303-101602.jpg